Register for the Free Training

What will you learn in the training?

  • Learn how to lose weight permanently without starving yourself.

  • Learn how to diet the proper way without causing more harm.

  • Learn a weight loss formula so easy and so powerful you will be able to apply it immediately.

  • Learn how to safely reset your hormones while keeping the excess weight off permanently.

  • Learn how to lose the right type of weight, fat. Most programs create water and muscle loss along with fat. When you lose muscle you screw up your metabolism and harm your body.

  • Learn why fad diets and weight loss programs fail 80% of the time.

 Learn The 3 Secrets To Permanent Weight Loss In Our Live Masterclass


  • Dr. Golman’s Weight loss kit with Natural Drops

    Biometric Scale (fat %, muscle% and Visceral fat readings)

    Body Measuring Tape

    Weight Loss Guide

    Food & Implementation Guide

    8 Weekly LIVE Coaching Calls with Dr. Golman

    Access to Dr. Golman throughout the program so you get the individual help you need!

  • The drops are all natural. There's no chemical stimulants, no caffeine, or anything to make you jittery.

    So it's very easy on the body. No side effects. The drops will not affect any medications you may be taking.

  • As far as eating, I will guide you through eating a healthy lunch and dinner with 4 oz. of protein, 4 oz. of veggies, and 4oz. of fruit. This will give you 1200 to 1500 calories a day. Also, you will get ample calories from the fat that you burn off of your body. This will be the first weight loss program where you won't be hungry. You will feel incredibly energized because your burning the fat storage in your body… it feels a bit like running off of jet fuel. You'll have ample energy. You won't be tired or fatigued like a normal diet, you’ll sleep better. You'll feel energetic and it’s very simple to do.

  • L-Ornithine: a potent amino acid that is a powerful rejuvenator. It can give a significant boost to the immune system, help increase muscle mass and improve sleep quality.

    L-Carnitine: an amino acid that helps the body produce energy.

    L-Arginine: an amino acid that helps in protein synthesis. It reduces the repair time of injuries, promotes quicker repair of damaged tissue, decreases blood pressure and is important for immune function.

    L-Glutamine: the most abundant amino acid found in the body. It can help your immune system function more efficiently and it helps maintain muscle mass.

    Maca: an herbaceous plant or root vegetable known for energy production as well as enhancing strength and endurance.

    Niacin: a vitamin that enables proper function of the digestive system, nerves and skin and it converts food to energy.

    Pygeum Africanum: a natural remedy extracted from the bark of the African plum tree, it has been found to reduce urinary frequency.

    Beta-Alanine: an amino acid that increases muscle mass, strength and power. It can also increase endurance and decrease fatigue.

    Rhodiola: a root extract that stimulates the nervous system, fights depression and fatigue and increases performance.

    Astragalus: an herbal root extract that supports the immune system.

  • In my 17+ years of helping people become healthy and lose weight. I have NEVER had one person NOT lose weight. The success of the program is so high because I personally walk each person through the steps. This is an easy, stress free weight loss system that anyone can do!!